Thursday, June 18, 2015

Raising Soldiers (For Our Fallen Heroes)

A thought-provoking poem written by a young student. This young woman is a born poet.

Soldiers at War

A battle has started upon the eyes of men
A used of sharp swords and of pen
All are willing to earn freedom away from this den.

Raising soldiers with exquisite strength and with the strongest brain
Aim to destroy their opponents and watch the bloody rain
The hold and grip of freedom in a sewage they will drain.

March by march, they traveled far
Their goal is to uprise a raging war
Jotting words, in exchange for bullets
Waiting for the sound of Victory's trumpets.

Raising soldiers with the wisest mind
A war for the wisdom they will bind
Freedom and Knowledge they shall find.

In words and deeds, the warriors were kind
As the fog of war caught their breath
Some shouted, "Freedom!" and some shouted, "Death!"

Swords against guns,
Words against power.
"We're captives of you no longer."

Original composition by: Jel Pamela Ballentos


  1. What a wonderful poem for our fallen heroes whom the only wish in life it to protect and save us from bad people, this is really a great poem..thanks for creating such a touching poem

  2. This is such a great tribute to the Fallen 44. The poem is so touching.

  3. What a beautiful poem tribute to all the warriors who never stop to protect the country. My hats off to them and to all their family who also sacrifice for their absence.

  4. I do have a soldier in our house :) my husband is a former army I have so much respect and admiration to soldier , the thought of they have to be away from their love ones and the danger along the way of their service is more than words can describe how heroic indeed they are. The poem melts my heart.

  5. This is a very moving poem tribute to our heroes. Anything that talks about them makes me cry. Just thinking the sacrifice they (soldiers in general) make for us, for our safety, for peace... it's really admiring and I'm usually speechless. :(

  6. Is the poet your niece/nephew Kuy9a? It's a very well-writen poem.

  7. Love the poem you intended for the brave fallen soldiers, they should always be remembered for their bravery to protect the people of the Philippines.

  8. soldiers are unsung heroes, who deserve to get the best of everything.

  9. A poem depicts the real life of a soldiers, not only soldiers but also implies the hunger for the FREEDOM of all people.

  10. Odd about the third stanza. Why did she make it four lines with an A-A, B-B rhyming scheme. Totally different from the rest of the poem.

  11. What a beautiful tribute to our heroes. What a beautiful picture too. My hats off to the people who keep our country safe.

  12. A great tribute, bravery and thanks is always given to the fallen and current soldiers from me.

  13. This is a living testament to the greatness of our soldiers. I hope we can thank them with the only way we know; by sending messages of praise and thanks.

  14. Soldiers are admirable since they sacrifice their family time and at times their health and life just to keep people safe. This captures such a valiant journey to freedom.

  15. This reminded me of the topic of the purpose of war... I find it meaningless to be having war in this generation when everyone knows it will go no where... it's sad to see soldiers losing their lives and families losing their fathers and sons...

  16. Offering your life for the country and countrymen is the greatest sacrifice a soldier can do. A soldier is indeed a great hero.

  17. This is well-written and a great tribute to the men who gave their lives and fought for us. Their heroism and selflessness should never be forgotten.

  18. Salute to all the soldiers who sacrifice to protect the country, this is a well written poem. Kudos!

  19. What a beautiful tribute for our fallen heroes. They gave their lives to serve and protect.

  20. a great tribute for fallen44 heroes!

  21. Poetic interpretation of what happens before during and after a war! We do not celebrate our fallen heroes enough! :O

  22. A tribute to soldiers who give their loyalty to our beloved country. If the job calls for, then, the soldiers will do it as their duties and responsibilities. Accepted by their willingness to defend our country.

  23. This is a great way to honor freedom and heroism. It's also a well written poem.

  24. As a former soldier I can so relate to this poem. She sure is a great poet.

  25. This is beautifully penned! A lovely tribute indeed to our fallen heroes!

  26. Nothing can be more noble than risking one's life to protect one's country and freedom. These soldiers deserve honor and respect.

  27. This warms my heart because these heroes are my boyfriend's colleagues and I am glad that people appreciate what they do so that we can all be safe in our homes. :)

  28. What a wonderful poem as a tribute to our heroes! Thanks a lot for sharing this.
