Thursday, July 4, 2019

Healed and Whole

In times of trials, God is always watching us.

One day I dug a little hole
And put my hurt inside
I thought that I could just forget
I'd put it there to hide.

But that little hurt began to grow
I covered it everyday
I couldn't leave it and go on
It seemed the price I had to pay.

My joy was gone, my heart was sad
Pain was all I knew.
My wounded soul enveloped me
Loving seemed to hard to do.

One day, while standing by my hole
I cried to God above
And said, "If You are really there--
They say, You are a God of Love".

And just like that- He was right there
And just put His arms around me
He wiped my tears, His hurting child
There was no safer place to be.

I told him all about my hurt
I opened up my heart
He listened to each and every word
To every sordid part.

I dug down deep and got my hurt
I brushed the dirt away
And placed it in the Master's hand
And healing came that day.

He took the blackness of my soul
And set my spirit FREE !
Something beautiful began to grow
Where the hurt used to be.

And when I look at what has grown
Out of my tears and pain
I remember every day to give my hurt to Him
And never bury them again.


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